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Our Aesthetic

ModNomad Studio's aesthetic is an extension of our guiding principle: instigating for the common good. 


As our name implies, we seek to be inventive and playful in presenting space and design offerings that communicate a modern-nomadic lifestyle and to discover new ways to live more gently and authentically on this planet with our family, friends and neighbors.


Our philosophy and practices are evolving as we collaborate with artists, craftsmen and other designers to save a long-neglected, 1880's summer cottage in Sausalito, California. The aesthetic is rooted in salvage design, in bringing beauty and purpose back to discarded materials. We seek to design inspiring and flexible -- or fluid space -- to foster creativity, unconventional thought and collaboration.


If developers had gotten hold of this land and view, this old cottage and piece of Sausalito history would have been torn down and replaced by a far more expensive structure. The Bay Area housing market has priced out too many socially-minded creative people. We wanted to do something to address that.


We offer free and subsidized live/work space for those dedicated to the creation of social artistry and entrepreneurship, activism, independent journalism and social economics. We are also dedicated to creating community and to divining new solutions to the complex set of challenges we face in this time of existential, constitutional and climate crisis. 


With dwindling resources, climate change, racism and the worst income inequality since the Robber Baron days, our broken political system and polarized citizenry seem paralyzed. We need new thinking, more synthesis and clarity, and practical solutions and action. We look forward to collaborating with social creatives and others who are inspired by this kind of thinking. 

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